Suffolk County Council has pledged its commitment to improve services for Children and Young People with SEND and features in the Suffolk corporate strategy as a key priority for Suffolk major programmes. Our plans and priorities - Suffolk County Council
With priority comes pace and change, and this is a very exciting time to join SEND Services in Suffolk to be part of making sustainable change to ensure that Children and Young People with SEND are included, fulfilled and supported to live their best lives.
Over the past few years considerable investment has been made in SEND, including £45 million of capital investment with a further £10 million being announced in March 2024.
In April 2022, an additional investment of £1.1m was received seeing SEND Services recruit a further 29 new staff members. This investment was timely and has helped in adding capacity, however the growth of the need for SEND Services and support continues. This is recognised by Suffolk County Council and in February 2024, a further £4.4 million has been invested.
With new investment comes new opportunities and senior leaders across Suffolk are committed to improving SEND Services, with investment in new staff, support for existing staff and enabling services to explore new ways of working. If it works do more of it, and if it doesn’t let’s look at something else.
This makes Suffolk a great place to work enabling, peoples voices to be included, working together across the county with partners to build a infrastructure that is resilient and can help improve services to ensure that children and young people with SEND are included fulfilled and supported to live their best lives.