Home First

Details of the services provided by Home First including short term care and support.

Home First provides short-term care and support services tailored to help people recover and regain independence at home. This may be following a stay in hospital, an illness or crisis at home or help to avoid a hospital admission.

The service is available to all adults over eighteen years old where a period of reablement and/or assessment would be beneficial to:

  • restore independent living skills.
  • retrain customers to manage independent living skills by adopting new techniques / skills or via the introduction of equipment and/or digital solutions.
  • support the role of carers to maximise their well-being and the independence of the care for customers.
  • customers who have not received formal care at home before and it is felt that they would benefit from a short period of assessment to work with them on what their longer-term outcomes could be.
  • customers who have had formal care at home but have had a change to their care and support needs, for example from a visit to hospital or change in circumstances at home.

The service operates in a flexible way to respond to the needs of customers and, if barriers of care arise to Home First, the onus is on Home First and Adult Social Care (ASC) to adapt the service offer.

Home First reablement is a short-term service that can last for a few days, a few weeks or possibly up to 6 weeks. For some customers it may become evident within the first week or two that the customer does not have the potential to benefit from a programme of reablement and these customers will be referred for transfer to a more appropriate service. Pending transfer, Home First will provide an interim chargeable service to the customer under the duty of care.

Our team will work with people to create a personalised support plan that allows them to live comfortably in their own homes. Whether it takes two weeks or six, we're here to help. From cooking and cleaning to everyday tasks, our support is designed to empower people to live their best life at home.