
All about how we understand what matters to people in the places in which they live.

The Place service looks at how different factors affect people’s chances for lifelong health, such as the environment people live in, opportunities for good work, transport and access to arts and culture.

We use evidence and data to anticipate risks and take action to protect people’s health from illness and disease, working with partners such as the NHS to inform decision-making.

Our work includes a focused programme on improving people’s mental health, using countywide data to address important issues such as suicide prevention and adapting to climate change.

Our team also support the arts, museums and culture sector in Suffolk.

The role of the team:

  • To work at a local level with other partners, such as local councils, voluntary groups and health to understand the factors that influence decision making to improve people’s health.
  • To protect people from ill health.
  • To understand and influence the key factors that affect people’s wellbeing, from health at work to adapting to climate change.
  • To use behavioural change methodology to inform decisions.

The Place service comprises of Specialist Public Health Consultants, Project Officers, Project Managers, and officers who specialise in key disciplines such as public mental health and behavioural change and health protection.