Quality, Engagement and Professional Development

The service that spans adult and children's social care services, driving and influencing best practice.

The Quality, Engagement and Professional Development service combines certain functions which naturally align with each other, such as promoting and enabling learning through auditing, practice development, improvement and co-production.

Our service vision is to enable quality outcomes for residents by driving and influencing best practice through learning, engagement and professional development.

This service includes:

  • Workforce Development for both Adult Social Care and Children and Young People services.
  • Adult Social Care Quality Assurance and Practice Development Team.
  • Business management for the Local Safeguarding Children Board and Safeguarding Adult Board.
  • Children and Young People Practice Development and Quality Assurance Team.
  • SENDIASS (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information and Support Service)
    The Engagement Hub.

Roles include:

  • Training and development roles,
  • Practice leads,
  • Administration and project roles,
  • Co-production Advisers.