All new starters will receive a package of support and induction period, ‘new starter social worker programme’. This includes support for both Newly Qualified Social Workers through the ASYE, and those coming to Suffolk later in their social work careers.
Assessed and Supported Year in Employment (ASYE)
The Assessed and Supported Year in Employment (ASYE) is for registered Newly Qualified Social Workers (NQSWs) in both the Children and Young People and Adult Social Care directorates.
The ASYE year begins on the date when Social Workers are registered with Social Work England. This enables Workforce Development to enrol the Social Worker with Skills for Care for the ASYE year.
There is a programme of support, including:
- Reflective supervision: this is weekly for the first six weeks of employment, then at least fortnightly for the remainder of the first six months, and a minimum of monthly thereafter.
- Workload: this is normally over the course of the year 90% of what is expected of a confident Social Worker in the same role in their second or third year of employment, weighted over the course of the year by things such as case complexity, risk and growing proficiency.
- Personal development progression plan: this will be reviewed at three, six, nine and twelve months with the Assessor/Supervisor and NQSW and linked to the Professional Capability Framework.
- Protected time for personal development: this equates to 10% over the year (for example, 10% of a 37 hour week is 3.7 hours each week). This will be pro-rata for part time NQSWs. Use flexibly to meet personal development and service need. This to be discussed with supervisor and entered into the learning agreement.
- Monthly ASYE professional development and support groups: these are based around the county and NQSWs are required to attend.
NQSWs are encouraged and supported to continue with their professional development once they are in their post.